Club Constitution

1.         The club shall be called The Pen and Camera Club of Methodismand shall be associated with the Guild Movement.

2.         The aims of the club shall be to further Christian, fellowship and to foster the art of photography.

3.         Membership is confined to members and adherents of the Methodistchurch and persons seeking membership must submit a statement to this effect with their application.                                                                               

4.         There shall be the following classes of membership:

Life Member

Life Membership may be conferred on any member who has rendered distinguished service to the club over a long period. Life members are excused membership subscriptions.

Full Member

Full members are active contributing members of one or more folios (Circles) operated by the club. When, for reasons that are not likely to be permanent a member finds him/herself unable to contribute to his/her circle but wishes to retain full membership of the club, the circle secretary is empowered to grant excusal of entries for a period of six months, or longer in special circumstances. During this Period the member shall be entitled to receive the folios in the normal way. At the end of this time he/she may then elect to resume contributing, to resign, or to transfer to Associate membership.

Associate Member

Associate membership is open to:
a, Full members no longer able to contribute Who, after the Period of excusal, wish to remain in the fellowship of the club.
b. The surviving spouse or Household member of a deceased member.

Where appropriate the Treasurer is empowered to excuse these members from the payment of subscriptions. An Associate member may, at any time, apply to be put on the waiting list for membership of a circle and shall have priority over a non-member.

Associate members do not contribute to circle folios and may not be on the route of any circle. They are entitled to attend all functions and meetings but have no vote. They will receive copies of newsletters, directories etc.

Household Member

Household Membership is open to: The spouse, immediate family, or companion, of Full or Associate members, living at the same address. They willnot receive separate copies of newsletters etc.

In cases of Iimitation of numbers at any event Associate members shall rank for consideration after 1. Life Members, 2. Full members and their spouses. The privileges of Full members at any event with regard to eligibility for attendance priority shell be deemed to Include the Immediate family and household of the full member. The General Secretary is empowered to give a ruling in the event of doubt

5.         The annual subscription for the coming year for Full, Associate and Household members shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting and is payable to the Treasurer on September 1st.Members who have not paid their subscription by 31st December following shall be reminded and if they are still in default an 28th February their membership, will lapse.

From the funds the Treasurer Is empowered to forward to Willersley castle Goodwill Fund a sum of money, to be determined each year at the AGM; such sum to be known as the “Golden Jubilee Levy.

6.         The club shall be managed by the General Secretary and a committee consisting of the President, Chairman, Treasurer and Folio Secretaries, with power to co‑opt.

 7.        The officers of the club, since its foundation. have been sought from amongst its members on a volunteer basis and are elected at each AGM.

8.         The General Secretary shall convene an Annual General Meeting.

 9.        There shall be four groups of Portfolios (Circles).
             i. Colour prints. (Max.10″x8″ or A4).
             ii. Art.
             iii. Digital Imaging.
             iv. Projected Digital images

10.       Each circle shall consist of a maximum of 20 members, except for Art where it will be 15. The Folio secretary shall manage his/her circle in consultation with the General Secretary and Treasurer and shall make a report on the circle’s activities and progress at each AGM.

11.       Any archival material given or deposited with the club, or any of its officers, shall be maintained by a member or members nominated by the committee and agreed by the Annual Meeting of members. Such material may be lent to or deposited with a suitable institution, to be decided by the Committee and agreed by the Annual Meeting, but otherwise should be carefully preserved by the Person or persons mentioned in a manner as may be decided by the committee.

12.       No alteration to these rules shop be made, except at the AGM. Notice of a proposed alteration with the signatures of four members, who must have been members for at least four years, shall be given to the General Secretary at least six weeks before the AGM, to enable a postal vote to be taken if necessary.

13.       ‘The Club may be dissolved by resolution at an Annual Meeting of the club, the consent of 75% of those attending and voting being required. All monies and other assets then remaining should be passed to the Wesley Guild, or if the Guild has ceased to exist, to the Methodist Connexion.